About Us

coz' she knows the best!

Rashida Godhrawala, a housewife and a Community Master Chef, put her extraordinary culinary talent to test and created recipe spices that has never been created.

Owning almost 5,000+ recipes of her own, Rashida put all her
knowledge together and & launched a mom-made spices brand, Mum's Foods. And is now licensed in the UAE as Al Marjan Spices Trading LLC.

Originally started as a home business in January 2017, Rashida's spices have become popular amongst her friends, family and community
members. Her journey, which began from a single room operation, is now transforming into a full-fledged spice manufacturing industry.

Her uniqueness lies not only because of our exclusive flavours but because these flavours are created by a Mother and now, she’s on a mission to disrupt the spice industry, FORVER!